Charms to attract money with your hands

Lucky charms to attract money are actively used by people to increase well-being. It is an effective way of attracting money. Set the action of the charms is possible with the help of a conspiracy in the portfolio.

How to make money of the pet with your own hands?

The stones

If you want to earn money flowed to his family and the river, then a simple pet, that needs help. To create a magical amulet to take:

  • the coin;
  • the wire (thin and thick);
  • a pair of pliers.

To prepare this apotropaic uses a special technology. To apply, you can prepare a talisman to attract abundance into the home.

In the first place, You should take the wire and make it a circle. You must comply fully with the selected size of the coin (which should be inserted in the cooked bezel). The ends of wire to connect the top and twist together. Leave a piece of a length of 5 cm, and the rest of the wire can be cut.

Next prepare a decoration additional charm. Take a thin wire, cut into small pieces and take them rings. The next step, make ready the skeleton and a thin wire. Must be a wire, such as a zipper closure, entwine ready the skeleton. Through a loop set in a thin wire of ringlet. Their need is not very hard to bend inward. With the help of a thin wire pieces between all the small links.

After that take again the wire and make it a ring. The size should be a little lower than the previous one. Now edge of wire to bend inward. This ring must be attached to the first. This is done through fine delay.

The second lanyard to the small ring. So you will have double bevel. He will fulfill the role of the front of the mount of coins that is inserted through a small ring inside the large one. From the inside of the part of the currency should fix the wire. Choose between an aesthetics of form. Rest of corner of double wire to that obtained with the amulet can be connected in chain.

Why such complexity? The more work is put on the pet, the greater your energy that is absorbed. Therefore, your magical item will be much stronger than any purchased.

When the money of the pet is ready, you must begin to speak. The spell is what it sounds like:

My dwarf I knit an amulet for money and wealth. And I say in the answer wish you good luck. And each day and each hour will begin to go money in my pocket.

Strong lucky charms to attract money


For that money flowed into the hands of a river, it is necessary to begin to talk about them in a special way. This is what can attract prosperity to your home.

Magic ticket

For the celebration of a rite of deciding what court is going to speak. It is desirable that, for she was a great dignity, but it must not be worth it. In fact, the ticket to a dignity of which You choose will depend on your wealth.

At least the dignity of the selected tickets, the less money You will attract to house. Selected the money can not be in any case you lose. After the celebration of a rite will have to hide in a pocket, in the wallet and not got there.

Keep in mind that the money must be received in a special way. For example, give the party a certain amount, select a currency. Or making a new project, starting a new job and got his first paycheck, not a way to complain than to assign the entire amount of a bank note and talk about it.

In 12-15 lunar day take ready ticket of a dollar, and walk with her towards the window and whisper in your ear:

As it grows the new moon, and the money is going to be at my house already.

Repeat the text five times. When you do this, make sure you keep the ticket, therefore, that the light of the moon fell upon him, and to You. With the help of this rite, You will be able to attract money and increase their well-being. Remember that it is important not only not to spend the money, but not to show to anyone, nor strange, nor their close family members.

The bag of money

For a start, You should make a little house for the money. To do this, arm yourself thick white matter and make it a small bag. When the bag is ready, you must three times sprinkling consecrated water, by reading the "our father".

After this, he pulls from his pocket a few coins. Come together to a hill a lot. It is not important, coins of any denomination Are going to use. Prior to the completion of a rite of the cross, a coin, and sprinkle holy water. After placing them in front of you (not on the desktop), and presenting each a coin of the tail to the face, saying:

Penny pulchellus denarium, the snout to Piglet, and fifty dollars to quinquaginta, the ruble the ruble, Chervónetz to chervontsu, all at the patio.

After that the words say, put all the attributes in the prepared bag, and set it aside as far as possible. Jinxed attribute to attract the well-being of anyone, you can not see.

For the rite has acted more strong, in addition to apply a horseshoe in function of amulet. Must be nailed on the door of entry so that it is turned upside down.

Wallet for coins with your hands

The amulet

Crafts from the times of paganism is closely related to magic. Here the rule applies: the more work is invested in the magic of the thing, the more strong it will be. Therefore, made with his own hands, purse for coins and banknotes can become a powerful talisman that attracts the money.

As produce it? Choose any material that provokes sympathy. In addition, it takes into account their skills. If you don't to be able to work with the skin, or pearls, for example, leave the choice in the material, which will be able to do a beautiful thing.

To deal with such a seam is required only on the rising of the moon. If you have not had time to do the portfolio during this period, you will have to make a pause until the next. After manufacture, must begin to speak, and this is done also in the rising of the moon, on a clear night of the month, should be visible. Place in a bag a handful of all the coins. From the window to show the content of a month, and say:

Month-friend, legs, will, horns, gold! Dai gold-silver me things are going good, gives you the benefit and prosperity! Loose my bag is soon filled, And always of the benefits of the pour! Amen.

Outdoor swimming portfolio let at the sill of the window in the night. In the early morning of the closure and place it under your pillow for three days. Only after the completion of a small rite of the portfolio can be used for the purpose intended.

You have saved the money of the "Full cup" with their own hands

To make this simple and effective pet, You must take:

  • the greater a metal container;
  • stack of coins (take the portfolios of all who live in the apartment);
  • wax church candle;
  • a bit of holy water.

Place in front of them a candle, turn on, and whisper the text "our father". Dagger, sprinkle the capability of the blessed water and the queue to place the coins. You can also use the plots on the coin to attract money.

Taking each one of them in the hand, think of what this is not small coins and large bills. And enter them in a large glass, which symbolizes your family's budget.

When the cup is full, You must whisper about her:

As this glass is full, and my house is full of abundance and joy.

As simply to attract abundance?

The bag

For that in the family all the time was the wealth, must be given special of the pet. To create the input magnetic powder. You can buy it or do it yourself.

To do this, by means of the lime powder of a magnetized piece of metal. If it is possible, it is advisable to paint powder in golden color. This will help to increase the magical properties of the pet.

Obtained the dust of folding into a small bag (also can be painted in the golden color). Hide obtained from the bag in the hallway so that it is not thrown into the eyes, and be sure that the money will be forthcoming to Your house.

The ritual of the water

Is performed the rite only 12-15 moles on the day. You should take a shower and wash all the negative energy, which met throughout the day. After that write full the bathroom and lower in it the currency. It is important that it was the silver. After that they dig in vodichku and whisper:

Silver godson, brings abundance, wealth and happiness. Amen.

Take the bathroom should be no more than 10 minutes. Now the water should be drained, and a currency to hide in a safe place. It is not the only rite with water, which is carried out to attract money. Popularity have Simon rituals that are carried out to increase the wealth and happiness in the house.

Simple money lucky amulets

There are several simple ways to achieve status in the family. It is not necessary to perform complex rituals to attract money. Just arm all the attributes.

Blue bag

In each house should be similar to those of the bag. He is able to attract prosperity in every family, and very soon you will realize how the money will come to You in the hand. In the blue of the leather pouch, double such attributes:

  • tourmaline;
  • the anise;
  • cardamom;
  • the wormwood;
  • the saffron;
  • cinnamon;
  • the feather of poultry;
  • the magnet in the shape of a horseshoe;
  • a bit of cedar nuts.

This bag to put in your bedroom and you do not share in your hands.

Magic toad

Monetary, the toad is the most popular amulet of the dryer-shuy, used to attract prosperity. If You decide to opt for this talisman, then choose the statue, made up only of onyx or jade. Precisely these pets can attract wealth to your home.

Monetary, the frog should be facing away from the entrance door, as if he just jumped in his house and brought in the wealth. But you can put it in the south-western sector of the house, which is the responsible of the abundance. In addition to this, another suitable for this purpose, the pet of the place — living room. If you have an aquarium, place it near he toad. These two positive character are mutually reinforcing.

The toad is afraid of the height. So putting it in the low magazine tables or shelves. Beneath the statue, it is recommended to put a pinch of any money of the plant — for example, mint or basil.



Still one of the most popular of the charms of feng shui. Khotey is known all over the world, as the god of prosperity, abundance, joy and happiness. Perform a figure can be made of different materials:

  • of a tree.
  • the clay;
  • of the stone.

In the magical properties of the fun-and God does not affect, of what material it is made of. It is important that this talisman was in his aisle, had known the cash flows and the editorial of the house. He must be facing at the exit of the house. Placed the figure Hotea also in the south-east of the apartment is the zone of wealth. In addition to this, you can be on the desktop.

Every day passing the special process — to dry the God of the belly, persuasion and attract good luck in the financial plan. For that the dream will come true, you must caress the belly God 300 times, thinking of her. Practitioners of feng shui recommend doing this and before you leave the house to attract good luck.

Magical fruit for the enrichment of

The golden and orange is the color of wealth. Therefore, try to keep the interior of your house, most of them are met. If you cannot do this, use magical fruit:

  • the orange;
  • grapefruit;
  • apricots;
  • the papaya;
  • quince;
  • tangerine.

Several of these fruits are always in outstanding locations in different rooms. This will help to grasp cash flow and send it to your apartment. The condition of the fruit must be fresh. You can eat and buy again. If you don't like the fruit, you can use the dolls.

The coins in plants

Mix with a few coins out of his pocket (the amount should match with the number of plants indoors). It is desirable that they were of great dignity. Each currency sprinkle holy water, and bury one in each pot.

Relief to the money will help to attract well-being in your home, and will send positive energy flows to You. Use simple and effective lucky charms, tune in the positive emotions and enjoying life.